Summer University of Ontopsychology had many aspects that attracted our attention and gave rise to many considerations. – The participants: scientists, researchers, university professors, students and entrepreneurs came to stock up on epistemological science to be converted into daily practice within the individual’s existence.
They came from every corner of the earth, personally paying for their own research, without any kind of financial support, let alone that deriving from State funds. – Observing the audience, one cannot help but notice that there are many young adults who identify themselves with the eternal precious qualities of humanism and who wish to be “responsible protagonists” of their own time and not diffusers of traditional culture stereotypes based on biological-racial repetitions and lacking the creative urge offered by the constant relation between being and existence. – A conference regarding the critical problem of knowledge. They seem like terms coming from the past, perhaps slightly out of place compared to the continuous “digital monitoring” we are all subjected to. A constant factor of contemporary life seems to be a kind of technological obsession that allows the individual to escape from his frustrated inner self: the obsessive digital-pressure on mobile telephones, on the mouse hooked up to one’s computer in order to set off a “click” that makes us “surf” over the most credited cultural sources, within the “non-place” of the commonplace, where everyone writes anything and no one replies in the first person (the Internet). – During this event the prudent man was able to grasp the holistic that, ranging from the environment to art, from science to the criteria of knowledge, is capable of regenerating him and qualifying him in the progress of all things that are humanistic civility. – One wonders: is man capable of knowledge? This poses a problem for philosophers, scientists and all those who rise from obscurity to lead, to guide others and for all those who want to understand. Do scientific formula, discoveries and conceptualizations by Nobel Prize winners, ideas elaborated and expressed correspond to the real structure of life? Is knowledge ontological? Does knowledge possess the same actuality as being? Is there reversibility between the representation made by the analyst, the scholar and the operator and the way nature reacts; what are the facts? This is the basic problem: reversibility. This is preliminary data for any type of science, for any kind of knowledge. – For nearly a century we have been conducting community research of the Anglo-Saxon and American Philosophy of Mind, where the authority of neurosciences rules supreme: to understand the person we must understand how he/she sews the clothes and buttons up… truly strange… Yet everyone knows that fashion changes according to the season and market demand. – Meneghetti is certainly a thinker who has not been trained within American universities, yet he seems to come from the ancient roots of the propitious European culture, being immune to all the variables connected to economic-political and ideological circumstances that fascinate or confuse most of us. He also has wide-ranging experience in psychotherapy, during which he demonstrated his capacity to cure. We may therefore state that he is an intellectual who carried out clinical verification in the wide arrays of neurotic variables and human schizophrenias. This Summer University has led us ahead on the path towards multiethnic, trans-historic and transversal culture: exactly as is the human being.
Ontopsicologia Editrice
Antonio Meneghetti